Sunshine Passivhaus

Innovative affordable solution designed as a pilot project amidst a cost-of-living crisis

Location: Wurundjeri Country, Sunshine VIC
Status: Complete

Premier's Sustainability Awards 2023 - Future Energy (Finalist)

HIA Awards 2023 - Victoria Affordable Housing (Winner)

Driven by a commitment to social impact, sustainability, and community wellbeing, Baptcare Sunshine addresses the urgent need for affordable housing amidst a cost-of-living crisis. This innovative pilot project integrates Passivhaus principles to minimise energy costs, fostering a connected community and setting a new standard for socially conscious architecture in Victoria.

Currently there is energy-cost stress on disadvantaged people in social and affordable housing. The Australian Council of Social Services found that 40% of Australian renters experience energy hardship, and some people must make a choice between food and heating on a daily basis throughout winter.

The client and project team saw this as an opportunity to collaborate on an exemplary project that explores the opportunities and long-term impacts of environmentally sustainable design on affordable housing communities. Baptcare Sunshine is a pilot project to measure whether the upfront investment into Passivhaus verse 7-star NatHERs designed homes, can reduce the burden of soaring energy costs, and result in a better standard of living for residents.

Whilst there are differences between PassivHaus and 7-star NatHERS, core to both designs is ensuring long-term energy efficiency and comfort. The subsequent energy cost savings are directly transferred to tenants, enriching their overall quality of life and positively impacting their financial, health, and social outcomes.